
Eyebrow Micro Blading Training Programme

This eyebrow microblading manual teaches the latest manual hair stroke techniques which are essential for the creation of natural soft looking eyebrows.

What you'll learn

Eyebrow Microblading Course

My training programme starts with the theory of micro blading and consists of a number of steps:

  • An understanding of the anatomy of the skin, and hygiene
  • How to design symmetrical eyebrows
  • How to create hair strokes
  • How to implant pigments into the skin
  • How to understand and manage the healing process

Before touching real skin an essential part of the course is practice, first with a pencil on paper, then on pads with pigments and micro-needles. These special pads give you a feeling of working on the skin as you create each hair stroke with a scratch. This practice helps you learn how to control the depth of the micro-needle, and how to use cream and powder pigments.

Eyebrow microblading
Professional Training


If you follow my course, learning the theory, watching the videos and practise diligently, you will gain the skills needed to be a professional artist in eyebrow microblading.

Eyebrow Microblading

The history of Eyebrow Microblading

Tattoo technology has been evolving ever since body decoration became popular many centuries ago. In more recent times the inventions of tattoo machines and eyebrow embroidery machines have accelerated this development. By using these tattoo machines, a water-soluble pigment is implanted deep into the skin and a pattern is left which is permanent. However, the water-soluble pigment can easily result in subcutaneous diffusion which leads to unsightly changes in the colours and shape. This can cause negative impacts on beauty, especially in the eye area. Eyebrow embroidery technology has been developing rapidly in recent years; machines became common, but these have limitations and the results are usually obviously tattooed.

Eyebrow Microblading

Eyebrow Microblading today

Most recently the technology for the creation of natural looking eyebrows using a Microblade has been created. This causes a plant or natural pigment to be introduced into the upper layer of the dermis by puncturing the skin, to form a long-lasting eyebrow shape. This technique has enabled technicians to replace the once-solid eyebrow tattoo with eyebrows which look natural, beautiful and vivid. The technique of manual eyebrow creation using a Microblade has now matured and meets the needs of both fashion and a natural appearance. It swept through the cosmetic industry like a hurricane and has become very popular worldwide!

Eyebrow microblading

Learn in your own time

This training manual incorporates the information available internationally on current techniques of manual eyebrow creation with Microblades. Download and read it in your own time, wherever you want.

It fully describes the whole process of eyebrow Microblading, from how to open the skin correctly, to the techniques of hair-stroke application; and from mixed implantation colouring and soft colouring to skin closing and post-treatment care. Videos of the actual operations are also provided. At the same time, the excellent new technique of eyebrow shape design using callipers is launched. This simplifies the eyebrow design process and provides both beginners, and people who are working in the permanent eyebrow make up industry, a significant leap forward in techniques and an improvement in the level of precision.

This is an indispensable reference book about Microblade eyebrow creation and has been designed to be easy to read and understand.

I wish every technician an exciting and rewarding career in Microblade eyebrow creation!


Eyebrow microblading course

I have been performing micro-pigmentation on brows and eyeliner for 29 years and was looking to upskill. When I contacted Ping she was so knowledgeable, and friendly, I was thrilled to enrol on her course and learn new skills.

After completing Ping's micro-blading post-graduate course 6 years ago, I felt confident in the new techniques learnt. She was so informative and supportive. Even now when I call for advice Ping is always so helpful. Couldn’t ask for a better mentor! Looking forward to getting back to Wellington to do more advanced training with her.

– Jennie Jenkinson, Micro-blading Specialist, Oamaru

I am writing this recommendation for anybody who may be contemplating tattooing.

As a middle-aged lady I was becoming frustrated at the daily ritual of having to "put my eyebrows on". I had seen the odd article about having eyebrows tattooed on and reducing the "grind" of having to do this regularly.

I was keen to find out more about this but the next issue was "who to go to - who could I trust". After checking out websites for some time, Weiping's site drew me and I decided to pluck up the courage and made an appointment to talk to Weiping.

From the beginning Weiping was very helpful, explaining the process, the shapes that she would recommend and colours and during this time there was absolutely no pressure to go ahead. I made another appointment and this involved before photos and what choice of colouring suited me best, completing a Medical History Questionnaire and the option to change my mind, if I felt unsure about going ahead with the procedure. My appointment was made and it was Weiping's care and professionalism that shone through. My eyebrows were beautiful even at this early stage and made such a difference to my appearance. Weiping made several phone calls during the follow-on week to ensure that I had no problems. A month later I had a further appointment so that Weiping could check for any touching up that needed doing and evenness of the final colouring.

Since that time I have had one recolour appointment and that was approximately 2½ years later and my colour has held beautifully.

I thoroughly recommend Weiping to anybody who is contemplating this procedure, her gentleness and care are truly amazing. I can be contacted on my mobile 027-629-7722 if you feel you would like to chat about my experience.

– Chris Baran

I have been coming to Ping for 6 years, to have my brows microbladed. Many years earlier I had a 'botched' semi-permanent cosmetic brow tattooing (as it was called back then).

I lived with these brows that were a horrible mushroom colour and not even properly shaped for my face, for many years until I found Ping and she told me she could fix them.

Ping is amazing! She completely reshaped them, giving me beautiful hair-like strokes and for the first time in over 25 years, I had brows that I didn’t have to hide and cover up with concealer!

I come to Ping once a year for a touch-up.

Ping is always professional, friendly and is highly skilled at what she does. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for effortless and beautifully groomed brows.

– Denise Foster, Director at Natural Enhancement
The cost of this training manual, which covers 75 pages of in-depth material and comes with a lifetime license is

$944.00 NZD

You will receive download links to the manuals immediately after purchase.